Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Decor

It was so fun decorating the house for Christmas.  The first thing I learned... I don't have enough decorations.  I'll be hitting up the sales after Christmas this year for more stuff!  Working with what we had, this is what I came up with for this year.

This is a view of our tree from upstairs.  I had to trim some branches from the back so I could shove it in the corner better.  If I left it the way it was, you would have a hard time getting in the bathroom :)Still looks great.

Here's one of my ornaments from my secret elf on Elfster. 

Here's my other ornament from my secret elf.  The black part is velvet.  Very pretty.

Here's another view.

And another angle.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

Here's my dining table centerpiece.

I've had this little snowman box for quite a few years, but never had anything to put in it.  This year, I stuffed it with the extra branches I shaved off the tree.  I just need to add some little ornaments or something.

I made this wreath yesterday.  Wow!  Was it easy!!  Just a wire coat hanger & some shatterproof balls.  Voila! Easy peasy.  This is going on our front porch.

Here's some of my rocking horses from Christmas past.  Each year Santa brings me another.

I tried taking a picture of the tree with it's lights on, but... I forgot to turn the rest of the lights off :)

Here's the other ornament wreath I made.  It matches so well against the darker green walls in the living room.  I just need a great big bow & it'll be perfect.

By the way, this wreath wasn't as easy as the other.  The holes to thread the wire through weren't big enough to fit through the coat hanger.  Luckily, I had some wire on hand.  A little more time consuming, but still came out nice.

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